GRANTE Antenna Fejlesztő és Gyártó Zrt.


Measurement Systems

Measuring System 3100


Measuring System 3000 

Measuring System 3100

Although every measurement test setup is different, and many times requires special solutions, GRANTE Corporation offers a standard setup for single polarized measurements, called MS 3100.

MS 3100 is equipped with four attenuator elements (two fixed and two variable attenuators) to achieve homogeneous frequency-dependent behaviour. Fixed attenuators (2×20 dB = 40  dB) protect the Rx modules of the ODUs from high power levels, while variable attenuators (2×(0…30) dB) – together with the fixed ones – model free-space attenuation and fading in the dynamic range of 40 to 100 dB (different dynamic range is available upon request).

Small attenuation values may be used for testing normal operation, while fading may also be simulated by increasing the overall attenuation of the fine-tunable variable attenuators.

The spectrum of the microwave link may be monitored via optional coaxial probes.

Besides testing single-ODU (1+0) link configurations, one may connect direct mounted hybrid combiners to the ODU interface to investigate (1+1) hot standby systems.

Block scheme of MS 3100


MS 3100 equipped with two fixed attenuators, two variable attenuators, and two coaxial probes

MS 3100 is available in frequency ranges from 7 to 80 GHz, as shown in the table below.

TypeFrequency RangeAttenuators1 Coaxial Probes2
 MS 3100 5971   5.925– 7.1250 GHz  2×20 dB + 2×(0…30) dBoptional
 MS 3100 7185  7.125–8.500 GHz  2×20 dB + 2×(0…30) dBoptional
 MS 3100 100110  10.100–11.700 GHz  2×20 dB + 2×(0…30) dBoptional
 MS 3100 130150  12.750–15.350 GHz  2×20 dB + 2×(0…30) dBoptional
 MS 3100 180230  17.700–23.600 GHz  2×20 dB + 2×(0…30) dBoptional
 MS 3100 260  24.500–26.500 GHz  2×20 dB + 2×(0…30) dBoptional
 MS 3100 280  27.500–29.500 GHz  2×20 dB + 2×(0…30) dBoptional
 MS 3100 320380  31.000–39.500 GHz  2×20 dB + 2×(0…30) dBoptional
 MS 3100 420  40.500–43.500 GHz  2×20 dB + 2×(0…30) dBoptional
 MS 3100 800  71.000–86.000 GHz  2×20 dB + 2×(0…30) dBn.a.

1 Different attenuators are available upon request.
2 Coaxial probe types: 3.5 mm (SMA), 2.92 mm (K), 2.4 mm or other upon request.

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